Morning: The house is freezing cold and empty. Half of my bed is lying on the floor from too much tossing and turning. My eyes burn and my throat is dry. I finally shut my bedroom windows and turned up the heat. I'm glad I have this hoodie. I think I have plans for later today. Probably going to work out with Mom then go shopping a bit. Who knows, though. I miss you already.
Afternoon: All I could do was lie around and watch movies. First it was The Cat in the Hat, with Michael Meyers. Brandon woke up and joined me to watch it so I cheered up a little, not being so alone. I forgot how funny that movie could be. Next it was The Happening. I had already seen it but Brandon hadn't. I decided at this point, I could go over and see my Aunt. So I got dressed and straightened my hair and everything and walked over and turns out that my grandpa and her went out for a little. It was cold today, too :( so walking back home was like ugh. Mom came home as we were watching Transformers and took us to Walgreens for some stuff, then Subway. Now I'm home and it's cold. The house feels empty and weird even though Mom, Dad, and Brandon are all in the kitchen. I think I'm going to fix my computer tomorrow. I miss you a lot.
Night: I hurt my arm really bad and got a throbbing headache. My pillow is now soaked from melting ice. I'm going to sleep out in the living room. It's cooler out there and my room feels empty and weird. I helped Mom finish decorating the Christmas tree. I think tomorrow my Aunt is coming over. I wish you were here. I love you.

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