I haven't taken a nap after school in awhile. It always recharges me and helps me to concentrate on school better. I was reading this book today in Spanish and the chapter I was on was called 'Too Drunk to Fuck' and it was written all big-like at the top of the page and I was scared Sra. Hubbard was going to walk by xD
Haaa, I'm actually in a really good mood right now, for no reason, really. I NEED TO GET MY PERMIT, DAWOPGMROGMEWOG. I'm so behind on that :p
I asked my mom last night if I could get a monroe and she said, after thought, "I'll think about it." and for my mother, that's about a 75% yes, and she's an awesome mom :p so I'M REALLY HOPING, YEW GUIZ.
Lala. I don't have much to say today except that I currently miss two people.
I think some confessions are due:
- I'm actually starting to feel bad for disliking you so much.
- Strawberry Ice Cream.
- I get irritated easily when talking to you now for some reason
- I see you as abusive and it annoys me
- I love hanging out with you, even if it's only in school
- I never would have imagined we would have turned out so alike, but I love it because I feel we can relate in ways.
- For some reason, I trusted you immediately.
- You're neutral to me.
- I'm not going to comment on you this time because I don't know what to say anymore. I thought we were making progress but I feel like I just annoy you so I'm backing off. Talk to me when you're ready to.
- You're so pretty :D
- I wish I saw you more often.
Talk to me, guys.

thank yous!!!
i love your posts too. :)
and i think one of those was me. :P maybe?
anyways... yeah.
Yeah, you're in there ^_^
Are those confessions all for different people?
I believe uh, we need to add S&V chips to that ice cream. (;
Yes, each one is a seperate person
<33 !
salt and vinegar chips suck.
James <- hopes he's one of the better ones (:
he's also very glad that you're friends wif him!
I love sunset at my house^.^
am i in there by any chance? 6.^
yumm, ice cream<3
i just had some :D
Yesh you are in there
that made my day
:D awe !
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