Then I want to lie amongst it all.
Today was weird. It was awkward and frustrating and everything felt all wrong. Colin and I went and saw Watchmen at 2pm (and it feels strange going to a movie theater that early) and it sucked xD in my opinion, at least. I hated it. There was too much nudity/sex and the whole thing was just confusing. Oh well.
But I've been on edge all day. I'm tired and sad and just irritated in general. So, I really don't have much to say other than that.
Saturday was good though because my parents, grandpa, Colin, and I went to see Blue Man Group. It was hilarious; so interactive, so much fun :D
My grandpa was even pulled up on stage at one point xD xD
Random Facts:
- I daydream too much.
- Like Grace, I mostly use lyrics as my blog titles. I didn't always used to, but they always are now.
Leave some thoughts.

I usually use song lyrics as my titles too :D
We use song lyrics cause we're cool kids. ;D
I agree ;P
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